Adopted by President’s Cabinet 6/23/20; Updated 6/27/23; 9/4/24
Policy Statement
This policy will be enacted effective fall 2015 designed to ensure accurate awarding of the Presidential Waivers in accordance with University System of Georgia Board of Regents policy (BoR Minutes September 9, 2014).
Purpose for Policy
To ensure that distribution of the waiver is executed in accordance to the USG Board of Regents regulations. EGSC seeks to attract students of different backgrounds and to promote academic excellence and service to the college and community.
Website for the Policy
Policies and Procedures of the College - Presidential Waiver Policy
Who Should Read this Policy
College employees with responsibilities related to any aspect of review, recommendations, awarding and maintenance of these waivers.
Dr. Catherine Whelan, Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs
478-289-2033 •
Related Material
- East Georgia State College Catalog, current version
- Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 7.3.4 regarding Out-of-State Tuition Waivers and Waivers of Mandatory Fees.
- Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 4.3.4 regarding Verification of Lawful Presence
- Board of Regents Policy Manual Section regarding Descriptions of Terms used in Tuition Classification Policy.
Out-of-State Tuition Waiver: A waiver of the difference in tuition paid by students classified as out-of-state and those classified as in-state.
Out-of-State Classification: Status granted to a student who, in accordance with O.C.G.A. 20-3-66 and the policies of the Board of Regents, has been determined to be ineligible to pay tuition as an in-state student.
Lawful Presence: All waiver recipients must provide evidence of lawful presence in the United States as defined in the Board of Regents Manual Section 4.3.4.
Non-Resident: A student who has not established domicile in the State of Georgia for a period of at least 12 months, prior to the first day of classes, for the term for which the student is intending to enroll at the institution.
International Student: For the purpose of Presidential Waivers, an International Student is the holder of a valid F-1 visa.
Academic Year: For the purpose of Presidential Waivers, the academic year is defined as contiguous fall, spring and summer semesters. Check point for waiver recipients will be at the end of the spring semester.
Continuous Enrollment: Enrollment without a break of more than one traditional academic semester. A student who is not enrolled for two or more consecutive traditional academic semesters is not considered continuously enrolled.
Reasonable Academic Progress: students on track to graduate within 6 full-time semesters (or part-time equivalent) for an associate degree or students on track to graduate within 10 full-time semesters (or part-time equivalent) for a bachelor’s degree.
Allocation of Waiver Awards
Presidential Waivers, as specified by the BoR Policy, will be awarded in three categories. The total number of waivers in effect cannot exceed 2% of the equivalent full-time students enrolled at East Georgia State College in the fall term one year prior to the term for which the out-of-state tuition is to be waived. The proportional percentage of out-of-state tuition waived shall be used when determining the number of waivers in effect such that a full waiver of out-of-state tuition counts as one waiver, while a 50% waiver of out-of-state tuition counts as a .5 waiver. A student may be eligible under one or more Presidential Waiver categories but shall only be granted a waiver under one specific category and will be counted within that category.
- Academic Category Waiver Qualification: EGSC will define the top half of our matriculating students by using the top 50% of student from the previous fall semester based on their grade point average. For incoming freshmen, it will be based on the Required High School Curriculum (RHSC) grade point average calculated in Banner. For transfer students, it will be based on a minimum 2.5 grade point average from their prior college(s). This grade point average is based on the cumulative courses EGSC transfers into the College. All applicants must provide a record of proven leadership and/or community service.
- Athletic Category Waiver Qualification: Incoming freshman eligible to participate in the College’s intercollegiate athletics program will be evaluated based on successful admission to the college and a minimum 2.0 Required High School Curriculum (RHSC) grade point average. For transfer students, it will be based on a minimum 2.0 grade point average from their prior college(s). Waiver recipients must maintain their eligibility to participate in a collegiate sport. If a student loses his/her eligibility, the coach must notify the Directors of Admission and Records Offices. The percentage of waivers offered cannot exceed more than 1/3 of the total 2% of Presidential Waivers granted by the College.
- International Category Waiver Qualification: Incoming freshman will be evaluated based on successful admission to the college and a minimum 2.5 Required High School Curriculum (RHSC) grade point average. For transfer students, it will be based on a minimum 2.5 grade point average from their prior college(s). This grade point average is based on the cumulative coursework EGSC transfers into the College. Participation in the International Club is strongly encouraged.
EGSC will first consider awarding students for these waivers in this order: Academic, International, and finally the Athletic. All students will be required to complete the application process and submit to the Student Affairs- Records Office their form and supportive documentation including a one-page personal essay outlining why he/she is seeking the waiver and how he/she would benefit EGSC by receiving the waiver. Additionally, the student must provide a letter of support from an individual who has thorough knowledge and able to expound upon the student’s past academic achievements (e.g. teachers, school counselor, or principal) for consideration of the waiver. Waivers received beyond 45 days from the first day of classes for the term will not be considered for the current term.
Waivers may be awarded at a mid-point in the Academic Year to additional students if a waiver becomes available when either a current recipient leaves the college (e.g. cases of graduation or transfer) or who failed to maintain the requirements of the waiver.
Review Process
All waiver recipients are subject to review at the end of spring semester and must meet the following criteria for continuance of the waiver:
- All students must maintain a 2.5, (2.0 athletic) unrounded, overall cumulative grade point average.
- All students in the Athletic category must enroll for a minimum of 12 credit hours both fall and spring semesters.
- All students must adhere to the Student Code of Conduct as defined by the EGSC Student Handbook.
- All students must make reasonable progress towards earning a degree.
- All students will re-apply for the waiver for a new academic year or at the time they re-gain eligibility for the waiver. Students attending during a probationary period will not re-apply until the new academic year.
- Students failing to meet the grade point average requirement at the conclusion of an academic year will be notified in writing that their waiver is in jeopardy and he/she must make academic improvement advising them to make use of the tutoring services available at the Academic Center for Excellence (ACE). The student will be placed in a two-semester probationary period but shall be eligible to maintain the waiver during the probationary period.
- All waiver recipients failing to achieve the required unrounded, grade point average, for their category, after the end of the two-semester probationary period will become ineligible to receive the waiver their next semester of enrollment.
- Loss of this waiver is not appealable.
- Students may be able to re-gain the waiver, subject to EGSC’s discretion following the student’s continued attendance and is able to raise their grade point average to satisfy the requirements of their eligible Presidential sub-category.
- EGSC retains the right to deny a renewal request from a student who exceeds 6 full-time semesters (or part-time equivalent) for an associate degree or 10 full-time semesters (or the part-time equivalent) for a bachelor’s degree program even if the student meets all eligibility requirements.
Implementation Process
Staff members involved with the review, recommendation, approval and record maintenance of awarded waivers. The parties listed below have an intricate role in the decision-making process.
Position | Responsibility |
Registrar |
Initial review and recommendation - tracking Reports to Business Affairs student information for posting the waivers. |
Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs | Final review and confirmation of decision |